Pio Wennubst
Assistant Director General, Head of the Global Cooperation Department
Ambassador Pio Wennubst, an agro-economist specialising in systemic approaches by training, has long experience in development diplomacy based on extensive fieldwork in areas such as rural development, microfinance and public health. After a period as managing director of a Swiss chemical company, he moved to the public sector as an academic researcher. He joined the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in 1995, initially posted to Bolivia and subsequently to Madagascar where he was tasked with reorganising SDC activities. After a period as an economist at the SDC’s head office in Bern, in 2004 Pio Wennubst was appointed SDC country director in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He later joined the Swiss permanent mission to the UN in New York as head of the economic and social development team. He currently manages the Global Cooperation Department as assistant director general of the SDC.