Jamil El-Imad
Computer scientist and Inventor
Jamil El-Imad has built a portfolio of research in collaboration with a number of world-class institutes and universities such as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. His is interests are in Virtual Reality (VR), brain signal analysis, Big Data and Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI). With his team, he is developing algorithms for epilepsy prediction and other neurological disorders. Jamil is also working on the use of VR in the treatment of phobias and in democratising human experience as well as collaborating with a team that is launching a bio-sensory cloud service offering Big Data management, storage and processing solutions.
Imagine you are in Zurich, your friends are in different countries and you all wish to go to a motor racing or football event together. Learn from computer scientist and inventor Jamil El-Imad how technology is changing our live experience.